The problem is formulated as a mixed integer programming and an corresponding algorithm is put forward, which first planed location, and then planed resources allocation, and solv. 针对该问题构建了混合整数规划模型,提出了一种先进行选址然后进行资源分配的优化算法。
Because the second math model belongs to nonlinear programming problem, we adapted generic algorithm. At last generic algorithm is well compared with integer programming algorithm in method step and method principle. 对模型二,因为是一个非线性规划问题,故可采用遗传算法求解,并详细介绍了两种求解算法的步骤,原理,以及这两个模型间的异同点和优缺点。
Generally the optimization problems are solved with help of heuristic methods, such as genetic algorithm ( GA) and simulated algorithm ( SA), or mathematical ones containing integer programming algorithm and Benders decomposition method. 对于该优化问题,一般采用遗传算法、模拟退火算法等启发式方法或者整数规划法、Benders解耦法等数学规划方法加以求解。
About the first math model, we adapted integer programming algorithm to resolve. 然后在此基础上,对模型一采用整数规划算法进行求解。
Plant growth simulation algorithm aiming at the global optimization of integer programming is a kind of bionics random algorithm which occurs in nature. 针对整数规划全局优化问题所首次提出的模拟植物生长算法,是一种源于大自然的仿生类随机算法。
To fill the void in such a line of research, this paper proposes three reverse logistics problems formulated as nonlinear mixed integer programming models and genetic algorithm approaches that can solve these problems. 为了弥补这一空白,本文提出了三个相关的逆向物流网络设计问题,针对这三个问题分别构造了三个非线性混合整数规划模型,同时又设计了求解模型的遗传算法。
In the fourth chapter we discuss the problems of integer programming, we use simulated annealing algorithm and give two numerical examples. 讨论了整数规划问题,提出用微粒群算法和模拟退火算法来解决这一离散优化问题,并给出了三个计算实例。
Based on the research of the internal features of maintenance scheduling problem, this paper establishes its integer programming based optimization module and algorithm. 本文在研究检修计划问题的内在特点基础上,建立了基于整数规划的检修计划优化模型和算法。
The model belongs to nonlinear multi-objective integer programming, and can be solved by Monte Carlo algorithm. 此类模型属非线性多目标整数规划,MonteCarlo法是求解的可行方法之一。
On the basis of researching the way in integer programming continuity, simulated annealing algorithm and branch-bound method are adopted respectively in order to solve the upper-level and the lower-level problems of integer linear bilevel programming problem. 在研究了整数规划连续化途径的基础上,分别采用模拟退火算法和分枝定界法对一类二层线性整数规划的上级和下级问题进行了求解。
Based on the simplified model, and ILP ( integer linear programming) based approach and a genetic algorithm are presented. 在此模型的基础上,本文给出了基于ILP的算法和遗传算法。
Numerical examples demonstrate that it is advantageous in simplifying the program and elevating computational speed, compared with the conventional methods of linear integer programming or genetic algorithm. 计算表明,与目前常用的整数线性规划或遗传算法相比较,该算法有结构简明、计算速度快、节材效果好的优点。
Integer Programming Algorithm for Finding Minimal Reduction in Decision Table Based on Rough Set 基于Rough集的决策表属性最小约简的整数规划算法
In this paper, the problem of multi-centres in a network is solved using implicit enumeration method for 0-1 integer programming. The algorithm is simple and can be easily realized. 本文提出用0-1整数规划的隐枚举法,求解网络的多中心问题,算法简单,容易实现。
Solving the proposed model is a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem and is optimized by multi-population genetic algorithm, thus the divergence of solution caused by Benders decomposition can be avoided. 求解该模型是一个混合整数非线性规划问题,采用多种群遗传算法来进行优化,避免了采用Benders分解带来的解的发散问题。
The integer programming algorithm in this paper is proved very efficient by many examples. 列举多个算例,对这些算例进行比较表明,所提出的整数规划算法非常有效。
Thus, chaotic searching algorithm is generalized to solving a kind of 0-1 integer programming problem. Chaotic searching algorithm is applied to optimize effectiveness in absence of air defenses. 然后利用M个独立的混沌变量在这NM个等分区域中搜索最优解,从而将混沌搜索算法推广应用于解决一类0-1整数规划问题。
Through analyzing the finished products redeposit management in the distribution department, an integer programming model is built and an expert rule and integer programming based algorithm are presented, and then a redeposit DSS is developed. 通过对某钢铁企业发货部门内部物流管理业务的分析,建立了转库决策整数规划模型,设计了专家规则与整数规划求解相结合的问题求解方法,并在此基础上构建了转库决策支持系统。
The proposed non-convex problem is approximated as a mix binary integer programming problem and solved by branch and bound algorithm with low complexity. 采用确定性变换将提出的非凸优化问题近似为混合二进制整数规划问题,并采用低复杂度的分支界定算法求解。
On the basis of comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various algorithms, and guided by the optimization theory, I Choose the mixed integer linear programming algorithm for problem solving, and implement it by the MATLAB programming. 并以最优化理论为指导,在总结了各种优化算法的特点及优缺点后,选择了采用混合整数线性规划算法对问题进行求解,并在MATLAB上编写了优化程序。
After Land and Doig put forward the branch and bound algorithm for solving mixed integer programming problem, the research on algorithm that used to solve mixed integer programming problem have made a big progress. 自Land和Doig等人提出求解整数规划问题的分枝定界法以来,混合整数规划的求解方法得到了很大的发展。
According to the principle of branch and bound algorithm for linear integer programming and the Lemke algorithm for quadratic programming, this thesis shows a branch and bound algorithm and a program of the algorithm with the Matlab programming language for solving the model. 根据线性整数规划的分枝定界算法和二次规划的Lemke算法的原理,给出该模型求解的分枝定界算法,并编写了该算法的Matlab程序。
This paper analyzes a iterative control algorithm based on the improved method of mixed integer programming ( RMIP algorithm) seeking for the strict minimal siphons. 本文对基于改进的混合整数规划方法(RMIP算法)寻找严格极小信标的迭代控制算法进行了分析。
Firstly, the problem is modeled as an integer linear programming, and then a polynomial time approximation algorithm is designed. 本文首先将该问题模型化为一个整数线性规划,然后设计了一个多项式时间的近似算法。
Finally, using integer linear programming model we get the power allocation algorithm in single-radio multi-channel wireless networks. 3. 最后利用整数线性规划模型得到了单Radio多Channel无线网络中的功率分配算法。
Then this dissertation builds a linear integer programming model and develops a heuristic algorithm according to the problem characteristic and actual stowage principles. 最后创新性地建立了一个整数线性规划模型,并根据问题的特点和实际的配载规则,设计了相应的启发式算法,并用算例验证了模型和算法的可行性。
We will use Integer Programming to optimize the selection and use sorting cluster algorithm to re-optimize the selection. 在静态调度方面使用整数规划来优化选择,并使用排序聚类算法进行进一步优化。
Since the problem is a nonlinear integer programming problem, we design an effective heuristic algorithm for layer rate allocation. 由于该问题是一个非线性整数规划的问题,本文设计了一个层速率优化分配的高效启发式算法。
In order to deal with the fractional solution of the relaxed integer linear programming, randomized rounding algorithm is used. 利用随机取整算法处理整数线性规划松弛整数约束后得到分数解的情况,并从理论上证明了该算法能够以较高的概率提供接近最优解的次优解。
Thus we can get an optimal batch and pricing of mixed integer programming model using the above algorithm. 由此我们可得到一个最优的批量和定价的混合整数规划模型并且用上述算法求解。